- 报告编号:154801
- 报告名称:2023年首席信息安全官报告(英)
- 报告来源:互联网用户上传
- 关键词:重点报告
- 报告页数:63 页
- 预览页数:6
- 报告格式:pdf
- 上传时间:2024-08-03
- 简介摘要: (原创分析) AI are critical for a successful deployment of DevSecOps and overcoming resource challenges. 84% 84% 88% 84% Dynatrace 2023 CISO Report | 49 Global data summary: Middle EastChapter 5: DevSecOps practices remain immature The most adopted DevSecOps practices include the following: UAE Egypt Qatar Saudi Arabia Security is part of our pre-release governance and quality gating process. 52% 52% 48% 56% We have automated handoffs across functions—such as auto-ticket creation. 40% 36% 40% 36% We adhere to a “You build it, you run it, you secure it” approach (development teams are responsible for production, delivery, and security). 44% 40% 40% 44% We use solutions that give teams shared visibility and a single source of truth. 36% 32% 28% 36% We have a shared prioritization process to avoid siloed thinking. 24% 20% 20% 20% Application security is a shared responsibility among development, security, and operations. 16% 16% 12% 16% Dynatrace 2023 CISO Report | 50 Global data summary: Middle EastChapter 5: DevSecOps practices remain immature CISOs identified the top three ways of making DevSecOps more effective UAE Egypt Qatar Saudi Arabia Ability to track the effectiveness of and adherence to security governance across all teams 32% 24% 24% 32% Ability to access observability and security insights throughout the lifecycle 20% 16% 20% 20% Increasing the use of automated handoffs between teams—such as auto-ticket creation 16% 12% 16% 16% 该文本详细分析了DevSecOps实践在全球范围内的现状和挑战,并探讨了Dynatrace如何解决这些问题。报告通过收集全球各地首席信息安全官(CISO)的反馈,探讨了DevSecOps在不同地理区域面临的挑战,如增加的复杂性、工具碎片化和手动过程、零日漏洞的挑战、工具泛滥和团队孤岛效应以及DevSecOps实践的成熟度不足。Dynatrace通过提供解决方案,如自动化和AI驱动的DevSecOps,帮助克服这些挑战,实现更有效的安全和数据驱动的自动化。报告还提供了方法论和全球数据摘要,以及附录,提供了更详细的背景信息和结论。
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