《亚太地区食品安全简易指南 — 食品安全工具包入门读物》中

  1. 报告编号:43433
  2. 报告名称:《亚太地区食品安全简易指南 — 食品安全工具包入门读物》中
  3. 报告来源:互联网用户上传
  4. 关键词:行研报告
  5. 报告页数:85 页
  6. 预览页数:6
  7. 报告格式:pdf
  8. 上传时间:2024-08-13
  9. 简介摘要: (原创分析) FAO. 2016a. Strengthening veterinary diagnostic capacity: FAO laboratory mapping tool. In: FAO [online]. Rome. [Cited 5 October 2020]. http://www.fao.org/3/a-i5439e.pdf. FAO. 2016b. Food safety risk communication handbook. In: FAO [online]. Rome. [Cited 5 October 2020]. http://www.fao.org/3/a-i5863e.pdf. FAO. 2016e. Good practices for the processing of street food. In: FAO [online]. Rome. [Cited 5 October 2020]. http://www.fao.org/3/a-i6377e.pdf. FAO. 2017a. Food handling manual: Student book. In: FAO [online]. Rome. [Cited 5 October 2020]. http://www.fao.org/3/I7321EN/i7321en.pdf. FAO. 2017b. Food handling manual: Teacher’s book. In: FAO [online]. Rome. [Cited 5 October 2020]. http://www.fao.org/3/I5896EN/i5896en.pdf. FAO. 2018a. World livestock: towards sustainable livestock systems to achieve sustainable development goals. In: FAO [online]. Rome. [Cited 11 October 2020]. http://www.fao.org/3/ca0305en/CA0305EN.pdf. FAO. 2018b. Household agriculture in Pacific island countries: challenges and opportunities. In: FAO [online]. Rome. [Cited 11 October 2020]. http://www.fao.org/3/ca0286en/CA0286EN.pdf. FAO. 2018c. Ensuring food safety in imports. In: FAO [online]. Rome. [Cited 11 October 2020]. http://www.fao.org/3/ca0286en/CA0286EN.pdf. FAO. 2019a. Capacity-building for ASEAN members in the development and implementation of international food safety standards. In: FAO [online]. Rome. [Cited 11 October 2020]. http://www.fao.org/3/ca8945en/CA8945EN.pdf. FAO. 2019b. The FAO GM foods platform: does it work for effective risk-based food safety assessment and regulatory management? In: FAO [online]. Rome. [Cited 12 June 2020]. http://www.fao.org/3/ca7770en/ca7770en.pdf. FAO. 2019c. Creating a food safety culture in Bhutan. . [Cited 18 September 2020]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E88Mnh0MVxE. FAO. 2020. Statement on the relationship between organic agriculture and food safety. In: FAO [online]. Rome. [Cited 18 September 2020]. http://www.fao.org/3/cb2871en/cb2871en.pdf. FAO. 2020. Food safety and quality: whole genome sequencing (WGS) and food safety. In: FAO [online]. Rome. [Cited 18 September 2020]. http://www.fao.org/food-safety/scientific-advice/cross-cutting-and-emerging-issues/wgs. FAO. 2020. Asia-Pacific Regional Office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) [online]. [Cited 11 October 2020]. http://www.fao.org/asiapacifi c/our-offi ces. FAO. 2020. World Organic Agriculture: Statistics and Trends [online]. [Cited 18 September 2020]. http://www.fao.org/agroecology/database/detail/en/c/1262695. FAO. 2020. Statement on the relationship between organic agriculture and food safety. In: FAO [online]. Rome. [Cited 18 September 2020]. http://www.fao.org/3/cb2871en/cb2871en.pdf. FAO. 2020. Statement on the relationship between organic agriculture and food safety. In: FAO [online]. Rome. [Cited 18 September 2020]. http://www.fao.org/3/cb2871en/cb2871en.pdf. FAO. 2020. Asia-Pacific Regional Office of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) [online]. [Cited 11 October 2020]. http://www.fao.org/asiapacifi c/our-offi ces. FAO. 2020. World Organic Agriculture: Statistics and Trends [online]. [Cited 18 September 2020]. http://www.fao.org/agroecology/database/detail/en/c/1262695. FAO. 2020. Statement on the relationship between organic agriculture and food safety. In: FAO [online]. Rome. [Cited 18 September 2020]. http://www.fao.org/3/cb2871en/cb2871en.pdf. 以上提供了部分粮农组织关于食品安全的参考文献列表,这些文献涵盖了食品安全的不同方面,如有机农业与食品安全的关系、食品安全与全基因组测序的关联等。粮农组织在食品安全领域持续开展研究,提供科学建议和技术援助,致力于改善全球食品安全状况。

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《亚太地区食品安全简易指南 — 食品安全工具包入门读物》中